How to Break Free from Perfectionism AND Procrastination

Are you sick of doing what you’re "supposed" to do? Stuck on the hamster wheel of success? Overachiever Deborah Hurwitz was too, and she broke free from the old masculine identity that defined her and now owns her time, work and success and is here to tell you how to take action and get what you want, too. She explains why multitasking sucks and how to stop tolerating the intolerable. Listen as she lets you in on the secret of how to live what lights you up, stop procrastinating, and complete that dream!

In this podcast episode, Lauren and Deborah discuss: 

[1:15] - How Deborah broke free from perfectionism 

[3:25] - Identifying perfectionism and giving yourself permission to break free 

[4:56] - The importance of finding what matters most and how to find it 

[8:45] - The consequences of chasing metrics of success

[11:30] - Big changes come from incremental steps and many small changes 

[14:15] - Realizing being happy is an inner game  

[16:40] - What are you no longer willing to tolerate?

[19:40] - How to get right with your body and feel radiant no matter what 

[19:55] - Helpful modalities to practice being present and still 

[24:00] - Mastering the art of single-tasking vs. switch tasking 

[29:00] - Deborah’s mentors and how she handles down days

[32:05] - Knowing you are never trapped 

[33:45] - Your desire for change is enough and just needs one tiny step—take it! 

Memorable Quotes: 

  • “Perfectionism itself is a mechanism of safety. It is a fear-based set of operations that has us pushing and pulling and hoping and pleasing and controlling and reaching for all sorts of things that don't actually bring the satisfaction and peace of mind we're looking for.” 

  • “It is always the moment to take 10 minutes to do something that you care about, 10 minutes to do the thing you love but you're worried you're not good at...those are the things that actually make big changes over time.

  • “As perfectionists, we're always in the past or the future—we're ruminating on the past. We're having anxiety about the future, we're never right here right now, we're never actually accepting what is so true and present right now.”

About Deborah:

Using her signature P.A.C.T. system, Deborah Hurwitz helps creative professionals to break through the paralysis of perfectionism and procrastination, so they can complete the projects and goals that matter most to them. Deborah is a composer, conductor and recording artist whose internationally acclaimed projects include Cirque du Soleil, Cyndi Lauper and the Broadway smash hit Jersey Boys. 


As an online entrepreneur, Deborah has mastered the art of “single tasking”, eliminating doubts and distractions to achieve remarkable industry successes, while honoring her creative self-expression and personal integrity. She now helps a tribe 10,000 strong to do the same through her online shows and Mission Accomplished coaching programs. Deborah is also an award winning speaker and co-author of the Amazon number one bestseller, She Made It Happen: 22 Inspiring Stories From Female Entrepreneurs Around the World. 


Connect with Deborah:

Cobalt Coaching

Deborah Hurwitz

Listen to the episode here:


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