Harnessing Your Energy and Healing with Catherine Grace O’Connell

Catherine Grace O’Connell

Where can we go when we feel we’ve hit rock bottom, and what change is required to come back from the brink? 

Catherine Grace O’Connell, ageism positivist, the founder of Forever Fierce: Midlife Matters, and CEO of MODlife Media, knows this undertaking well. After experiencing abuse and trauma in a previous marriage and battling lyme disease which almost took her life, Catherine is joining us today to discuss how she found healing through a range of outlets: energy, mantras, intentions, nodes, perseverance, and more. 

“I’m gonna go for everything. I’m going to go for my dreams. I’m gonna go for the moon, and, you know, what have I got to lose? I’ve pretty much lost whatever I could, right? Coming from zero, I might as well go for it.” (11:56)

Though Catherine has been through an immense amount of grief in her life, her attitude is as positive as ever, and it is her dedication to aligning her nodes and sustaining her midlife that allow her to nurture her dreams. In this episode, she offers guidance on how to push forward and make your way back when you’re lost or on the wrong path. 

“If it’s not propelling you forward, it’s either keeping you stuck or pushing you backwards, right? So energy is so important. Do what it is that fuels you and pushes you forward. Our dreams pull us forward.” (23:01)

Catherine’s unique journey back to health and wellness and becoming an entrepreneur was not without its challenges, but today she’s sharing her best tips with us so that we may also achieve the hope, love, knowledge, and peace we deserve. Your journey is special, so tune in today to learn more about how you can combat negative self-talk, understand fear, set intentions, and more!

“We have the power to bring hope to ourselves.” (30:19)

In this episode:

  • (1:02) Introducing Catherine Grace O’Connell

  • (1:47) When Catherine hit rock bottom and her near death experience

  • (7:38) Catherine discusses the power of bedtime intentions

  • (10:11) A break down of midlife, nodes, and transformations 

  • (11:30) How to know when you’re on the wrong track, change course, and support your inner child

  • (14:25) Understanding fear and ego

  • (16:41) Catherine shares her superpower and how to combat negative self-talk

  • (22:27) The most common question people ask Catherine

  • (22:33) Catherine’s message of hope

  • (26:11) Making friends at Midlife and beyond



Catherine Grace O’Connell is an Ageism Positivist, an Empowerment Cat-alyst, the founder of Forever Fierce: MIdlife Matters, a global Facebook community dedicated to supporting and celebrating the Modern Midlife Woman, and the CEO of MODlife Media, a female-focused message-based digital media agency. She whole-heartedly believes in the deep connection between Mind, Body, and Spirit and a Midlife “where women live both inside out and outside in.” 


Resources & Links

52 Weeks of Hope

Catherine Grace O'Connell 


Listen to the episode here:



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