Uncover Your Intuition: Embracing Self-Compassion and Inner Transformation with Valerie Inez

Valerie Inez

Have you ever experienced a gut feeling that turned out to be spot on? Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards self-compassion, intuitive gifts, and finding your inner power? 

Tune in as spiritual coach and author Valerie Inez delves deep into the concept of shadow work, unraveling unconscious beliefs, patterns, and triggers, and uncovers how embracing your divine feminine energy and trusting your intuition can lead to profound personal transformation.

“I remember I wrote a letter to God, and I'm like, look, this is not the life that I want to live.” - Valerie (1:57)

Valerie offers practical tips on how you can address those limiting beliefs and detach from conditioned notions of not feeling "good enough." From exploring intuitive gifts to nurturing self-compassion, Valerie's wisdom and practical insights will leave you inspired to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

“Everything that I experienced was actually real because they were validating it. And so now what I'm doing is showing people how to use their intuitive gifts, which is just a natural part of you.” - Valerie (12:31)

This episode is a must-listen if you’re seeking to embrace your intuition, cultivate self-compassion, and find inner light and power in your journey of personal growth and making that shift in your life. Listen and discover how to unleash your inner power and manifest your dreams! You deserve it.

“Do you take time to stop and check in with yourself, which is just you pausing, putting your hand on your heart, the other one on your tummy, and just saying, okay, what do I need right now?” - Valerie (13:44)

“If you could see somebody else do it, why not you? Aren't there like 7 billion people on this planet who are all so unique and different in their own way? If you could see somebody doing what you want to be doing, why not you too?” - Valerie (18:26)

In this Episode:

  • (02:25) - Not everything that you see outside is what you perceive it to be.

  • (03:36) - How shadow work uncovers the unconscious.

  • (05:12) - The power of meditation in addressing your limiting beliefs.

  • (10:48) - How your crown chakra awakens your consciousness.

  • (13:44) - Practical tips to tap into your intuitive gifts.

  • (17:05) - Following your instinct rather than questioning it.

  • (18:23) - How to challenge your negative self-talk and get rid of limiting beliefs.

  • (21:58) - Rejection is God’s protection!

  • (27:35) - Trust yourself to trust and own who you are.

Resources and Links

52 Weeks of Hope

Valerie Inez

  • Lauren Abrams: [00:00:01] Are you a burnt-out overachiever buried in responsibilities? Do you miss laughing with your friends just laughing from the gut? Do you feel like life's passing you by? If you've been wishing for some kind of shift, you're in the right place. Welcome to 52 Weeks of Hope, the show where we take you off the hamster wheel by ditching your to do list for the to-don’t list. This is where you get to learn how to make that lonely egg vanish. Learn self-compassion techniques and to give yourself grace. I'm Lauren Abrams and I get to help you feel that magic again. Since going through my own dark night of the soul, so you can learn from my experience and the mentors and experts I meet along the way. And today we're talking to spiritual coach Manifester and author Valerie Inez. Are you ready to level up your intuitive gifts and improve your way of thinking? Align with your personal power and soul's calling. You know you're meant for something greater in this lifetime, and Valerie is here right now, helping you learn how to tap into the most incredible part of you, the steps to take for you to manifest and climb into your vision. Learn how to shift your perceptions and find your inner light, magic, and divine power. Welcome to 52 weeks of Hope, Valerie.

    Valerie Inez: [00:01:09] Thank you, I appreciate that. What a beautiful intro.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:01:13] Yeah. I'm so excited to talk to you again. You and your coauthor and I saw you have another book out now too, so congratulations on that. You've been doing such amazing work. Okay. In researching you. And maybe you told me this last time we talked, you used to work at a law firm.

    Valerie Inez: [00:01:29] I did work in law.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:01:30] Like, that's just so incredible to me. What led you to be on this spiritual path, in this journey and doing shadow work, which we are going to talk about what that even is. But what what gave you that shift?

    Valerie Inez: [00:01:42] I think so I remember late 2019, I was having a really hard time in my marriage and I felt just lost. I felt like there was something missing in my life and I didn't know what it was. And I remember I wrote a letter to God and I'm like, look, this is not the life that I want to live. I, I don't like anything about my life. I just feel like everything is just crumbling all around me, and I need something to shift, or I'm going to check out because I don't want to be here anymore. And shortly after I wrote that letter, I ended up having a spiritual awakening. And it just kind of hit me like a ton of bricks, where I just kind of woke up to the idea that what I see isn't not necessarily real. Not everything that we see outside of us is what we think it is, what we perceive it to be. And then all of a sudden, I, I remember I got on TikTok and kind of fell into the hole of spiritual talk, which I don't even know how I stumbled onto that. I think everything just kind of aligned so beautifully. And after I had my spiritual awakening, I really started diving into the idea of who I wasn't because I feel like I was carrying so much conditioning and programing based on what I was raised with, based on what I knew. And so I never really questioned why I thought the way I did, or why I had beliefs the way that I did. And when I had children, they really kind of they helped me become aware of why I was reacting the way I was. I remember like when I would get angry, my kids would be like, why are you so up? Like, why are you so angry? What's the matter? And I'd be like, I don't know why. And then I remember when they told me that one question, why are you so angry? I don't know why am I so angry? And that kind of, like, led me into doing shadow work and really investigating my unconscious mind. And then it just, like, spiraled into.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:03:32] Every shadow work. Just let's just go back like, what is shadow work?

    Valerie Inez: [00:03:36] So shadow work is basically just a process of uncovering what is unconscious. That's why they call it shadow work. So it's diving into your limiting beliefs. It's diving into your patterns in your triggers. And the things that we really don't, we're not very conscious and aware of. It's just a part of who we are. So, for example, so many women struggle with the idea of not being good enough, just feel like we're just not good enough. And we were just talking about this earlier. You know, you are INFj, period. Like I just told myself that yesterday I'm enough because I exist. Simply because I'm here. I'm good enough. But we have this inherent, I guess, collective wound, if you want to call it that, of not being good enough. And then if you really dive deep, why don't I feel like I'm good enough? Who told me that I do? I believe that now. And really just getting curious and questioning that kind of belief is just shadow work. So it's just diving into the depths of your unconscious mind.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:04:33] I feel like self-worth is something that we deal with forever.

    Valerie Inez: [00:04:38] Yeah.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:04:38] I've been I've been doing this work for so long, and my head, I had three different episodes of imposter syndrome or Self-worth, whatever you want to call it. And I did a reframe, though. This is where I see my growth. I was like, if I have three different episodes of it and three different areas in a matter of a week, I must be on the verge of such greatness. That was my reframe figure. I like, but at least I can recognize it. Also, I that that's the advantage of doing the work I noticing and.

    Valerie Inez: [00:05:07] Yes.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:05:07] So I'm so. But go ahead.

    Valerie Inez: [00:05:09] That I believe I feel like and I, I talk to so many women who have the same belief of just not being good enough. I feel like I'm and they don't say unworthy. It's just I don't feel good enough. And when we go into that, that really leads to you being having like a fear of being seen, having a fear of being judged. If you're being heard, feeling like your the and that desire that you have for your life, why even bother? Because there's no way I'm going to get there. Because I'm not good enough to even reach that goal, or I'm not good enough to, you know, have a loving relationship or whatever it is. There are so many layers to that one question, why don't you feel good enough? And what I do with my clients is we kind of go into a meditation where I'll take them into their subconscious mind, which is basically just doing a little bit of like relaxation and just talking to your body. I don't think that people have the understanding that if you just took time to pause and you throughout your day and just ask yourself, why am I feeling this way, your body will be like, this is why, girl, I need you to pay attention to this. It really is just a level of energy and that's what I do with my clients. I'll be like, okay, so let's locate the wound of not being good enough. Where is it in your body? Okay. Now let's talk to it. Why is it there? And there's so many times where it's an instance in your childhood where you were kind of made to feel like you weren't good enough, or maybe you were told to. Your opinion doesn't matter or this is the way that you're supposed to behave. You know, if you kind of go into that layer of not being good enough, you'll be able to discover where it came from and detach from that belief so that when it comes up again, you will remember, oh, I actually am good enough. Or I know that I'm feeling this way because I was conditioned to believe this way.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:06:48] Aren't there journaling prompts it also because everybody everybody came out. You can't work with every single person to do this. Well aren't there certain journaling prompts. Or maybe I'll have you come into a Facebook group and we'll do a group thing. But for right now.

    Valerie Inez: [00:07:01] I would love that.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:07:01] Yeah, yeah I know that would be so amazing. So, we'll do that. But for right now, I know that you have prompts or things that people can do. Or can you just write as I have a page? Why am I feeling like this and just free, right.

    Valerie Inez: [00:07:14] So for example, let's say that you want something or you want to say something or you want to pursue something and you feel like that resistance kind of, you know, you'll feel it in your body. You kind of feel like a little bit tense or you know, your throat will close, or you'll have this limiting belief that will come up, you know, that'll say, like, why bother? You know, that's never going to happen. Those self-deprecating thoughts that come in, why ask yourself, why? Why am I thinking like that? When was the first time I believed that? That's really powerful in itself. When was the first time that I believed that? Insert limiting belief.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:07:46] What if you can't remember?

    Valerie Inez: [00:07:47] I mean, I would really encourage you to just explore. When it does come up and ask yourself, how can I move through this? Or why do I feel like. I can't achieve that thing, you know? But it's not necessarily about remembering the root of everything, because I don't. I don't want people to feel like, okay, something happened in my childhood and I don't want to revisit that. You don't have to at all. If you just get curious with your way of thinking and begin to ask yourself why? Why don't I feel that way? A lot of things will come up for you, but I think many times we don't even want. We take the belief in either we accept it or we ignore it and push it away. But if you just get curious and start asking yourself why? Why not? Why not?

    Lauren Abrams: [00:08:28] Okay, so exactly why not me? I mean, that's why I love the why not me. So let's go back to. Here you are. You said you had a spiritual awakening. What did that look like for you?

    Valerie Inez: [00:08:37] So this ritual awakening for me was I ended up. I guess I'll go into this. So I ended up going on spiritual talk. And this is when I had already been, like, meditating for a while. I had been.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:08:49] I won't go back because here you are. You write this letter to God, you're like, you're just depressed. I mean, you wanted to and you didn't know what was going on. Were you already meditating? Why did you start meditating? Like, how did you start meditating?

    Valerie Inez: [00:09:02] So I started meditating when I was pregnant with my middle son. So I started meditating back. He was born. So you were.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:09:08] Already meditating.

    Valerie Inez: [00:09:10] 2015. So in 2014. So in 2014, I dabbled into meditation, and I only did it because I was going to have a natural birth, and I felt like that would really help me shift my focus into concentrating and being being able to own my body. Right. And the idea that I can have a natural birth so I know it, it did work. I did have a natural birth, but after that, like, I didn't really I wasn't meditating very frequently, but it was something that I kind of like kind of dabbled into. And so when I had my spiritual awakening again, it really just felt like all of a sudden I woke up from a deep sleep, like the fog had lifted, and there was something here that I was meant to investigate. And then when I got on TikTok, I started diving into the rabbit hole of spiritual talk, like, you know, meeting your spirit guides and and meditating and, you know, cleansing and all the things. And then I remember I was like, okay, well, I'm just going to start meditating again because I feel like that really helped me center myself so that I wouldn't be so emotional and upset when I was trying to raise my children, because they don't deserve that, right? Like they deserve the best mother that I could be. And so I started like dabbling into meditation. And then I ended up finding, which I don't recommend anybody do this. I ended up finding the CIA Hemi sync tapes, which are basically what the CIA uses in order to, I want to say, regulate your both sides of your brain, the hemispheres in your brain. And I ended up finding that which led me to have a crown chakra opening. So it's like a Kundalini awakening, but backwards. So it was like coming in this way.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:10:40] And then anybody who's listening in that watching, it's just going in from a crown chakra at the top of her head, above her head, going downward. Go ahead.

    Valerie Inez: [00:10:48] And so basically a crown chakra opening is just awakening your consciousness and your connection to Source God universe, you know, whatever you want to call it. And for me, it kind of felt like it kind of felt like there was like tingles in my brain or like, I don't know, like waves coming in and I didn't know what was happening. And then all of a sudden I, like, was starting to like go into crystal shops. And I ended up meeting this lady who owned her own crystal shop here in town. And I talked to her and she's like, oh yeah, I do Reiki. And I was she was like, you should come in one day. And she's like a former geologist, retired geologist who ended up opening her own crystal shop. Like, how cool is that? And she did a Reiki session on me. And then I remember she just told me she's like the vision. She didn't know anything about my story. She's like, the visions that you're having are real. Because at that moment I started to have a lot of visions, my meditations. She was like, you are here to heal people. You are here to help. She was like, you need to do that. And I remember at that moment, even just talking about it makes me really emotional because she validated so much and she did it.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:11:50] So yeah, I love that. I love these.

    Valerie Inez: [00:11:52] She didn't know. And then all of a sudden, like, I just started to really explore meditation and explore my intuitive gifts. I feel like it just it just catapulted into from me feeling like I was completely lost to me being like, okay, let me explore this feeling a little bit deeper and me working on healing the doing a lot of shadow work and a lot of inner child healing and just doing so many healing aspects, and then me exploring my gifts, me learning that I could actually channel. I have so many intuitive gifts that I suppressed that I had as a child. And it kind of catapulted into there too, where I was doing readings for people, figured out, like everything that I was experience was actually real because they were validating it. And so now that's what I'm doing. Now it's showing people how to use their intuitive gifts, which is just a natural part of you.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:12:41] Right? Right. And so for people listening, how can they tap into their own intuitive gifts? Because everyone has them. It's and in different ways. Right. There's different ways to tap in, there's different ways. And I'm all about the. So I been really like taking that breath and slowing down. Even if you have kids, the ability to laugh like I feel like we've we're losing the ability to just get together with girlfriends and laugh or to get on the floor with your kids and play. And because the busyness it's and I, I understand I'm not judgy. It sounds judgy. I do not mean to be. But taking that pause, putting your hand on your chest and giving yourself that grace, and it's in that that you can tap into your intuitive abilities. Yeah. So how do you teach people to know what their intuitive abilities are? And again, everyone can't see you individually. So for people listening, how can they do that?

    Valerie Inez: [00:13:41] It's so funny that you say that because that's exactly what I tell my clients is. I say, do you take time to stop and check in with yourself, which is just you pausing, putting your hand on your heart, the other one on your tummy, and just saying, okay, what do I need right now? Taking be what do I need right now? And maybe it's like, can you just take a minute to just sit down for five seconds? Right. Stop running around or maybe like, you need to go outside because you're starting to get a little bit depressed and you need to get some sunshine. Small things like that are really helpful. But the way that I teach my clients is really to just tap into your body, just closing your eyes, going in and starting to explore your own energy, your own magic that lives within you, that is just waiting to be unfolded. I do it a lot differently, so it's kind of hard for me to explain. I mean, do my best. So first let me step back. So intuitive gifts are basically your just connection to the energy around you. It is your awareness to your intuition, for lack of a better word. We all have intuition, just like you have that immediately gut feeling about somebody, right? You just you just have this like visceral reaction in your body. Maybe you meet somebody and then you have like, you pick up the vibe of that person, things like that or your body's clues. That's clear, sentient, the ability to feel energy. We all have this ability. We've all met somebody that I'm just like, you're like, no, this person is not for me or yeah, my God, yes, I love this person. Right. That's the easiest one to tap into. The other one is Claire Cognizance, which I feel like so many people have this. It's just the clear knowing. You just know something about somebody. You just know how a movie is going to end. You just know the outcome of something. You just know without any logical reasoning. Again, so many women have this. The other one is clear audience, the ability to hear energy, which is like if you're talking to yourself out loud and then you have feedback in your thoughts or outside of you that's very supportive and kind and gentle. That's the ability to hear guidance. And the other one is clairvoyance, which we all know, which is the ability to see either through your mind or outside of you. You have visions. You can see light, symbols, colors in your meditations, things like that. We all have these gifts, okay. And those are the top four colors. So the way that I teach my clients, do you want to ask question.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:16:05] Yeah. Yeah. No, I just keep going.

    Valerie Inez: [00:16:07] Yeah.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:16:08] I, you know, I like to ask question. I was going to put it into like practical terms, like when you walk in a house and you know, this is the house for me, or you walk into a party and you're like, the energy here is so bad, and I need to leave. Yeah. Or when my kids were little, we have a coworker and we so laugh about it because they're in college now. Everyone graduated, but we had a code word, no questions asked. If anybody had a sense that there was somebody bad or scary or they, you know, we had a code word and we leave immediately.

    Valerie Inez: [00:16:39] Love that.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:16:40] We're going have a server, like we're eating someplace and there's a server that's creepy or somebody and we leave immediately, no question to ask. And we had our code word and it was a piece of fruit that like, anyway, it was like, let's go. And, you know, because, you know, when there's bad energy from somebody, even as a little kid, especially little kids. Yes. So that's like, yeah.

    Valerie Inez: [00:17:05] Yeah. And I'll give you like a real tangible example on intuition and gifts. I was at a birthday party with my daughter and it was a balling birthday party, and all the kids were crowded next to each other, and I just had this knowing I needed to pull her back away from the crowd. I didn't know why, it was just a knowing, so I pulled her back. Immediately after pulling her back, the kid that was standing in front of her dropped his bowling ball right where she was standing, so would have gone on her foot, right? It's just a knowing that you just follow the instinct rather than questioning it. And so if you feel like you are a little bit intuitive, I would really encourage you to one, start trusting yourself. Absolutely. Two and explore that, because we all have the gifts either. If regardless of your gender, you it's there, right? And I think it's so much easier for women because we just like have this like it's the divine feminine, it's the feminine energy of the. A knowing the surrender, right? The flow, creative energy that is your intuition.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:18:03] And now when somebody has a life and they just dream about it like, that's, you know, everybody else is doing it, there's no room for me and all that negative self-talk that isn't true at all, by the way, because nobody can do it the way you can do it. You are everybody has a passion for it yet. But what would you tell somebody when they're having various kinds of thoughts?

    Valerie Inez: [00:18:23] I would really encourage you to say, why not me? If you could see somebody else do it, why not? You? Aren't there like 7 billion people on this planet who are all so unique and different in their own way? If you could see somebody doing what you want to be doing, why not you too? There's room for everybody. And those kind of thoughts are lack. Like there's not enough room. But what if what if that person can do it and you can do it too? You both can be true.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:18:52] Absolutely. It's an expansive universe. Whatever. We focus on growth. So focusing on the positive for sure. So how do you help people get rid of their limiting beliefs just by looking at where it originates? Is that.

    Valerie Inez: [00:19:06] So what I do with my clients is again we just go into like a relaxation state. So basically if you like before you go to bed, you know how sometimes you're just so wired you can't go to bed. I teach my kids how to do this too. It's basic. You know I, I, I find like sometimes if I've had too much coffee that day, like, I'm just like little, you know, there's so many. If you just lay down and you take your awareness and you scan each body part. So like, let's say, you know, you scan your forehead and you say, I invite my forehead to relax. I invite my face to relax. I invite my the muscles in my neck to relax. And you just do that step by step with all the little body parts in your body, the little body parts, all the body parts in your body. And you just allow yourself to relax when you regulate your nervous system, which is that's all you're doing, you can tap into your intuition and tap into your limiting beliefs. So for example, if you're if you're struggling with the idea of, you know, not being good enough, you would go in your body after your relaxed body. Can you please show me where I feel like I'm not good enough? Where is that located for me? And then your awareness is going to be drawn to a certain location in your body. Like let's say for example, it's your solar plexus area, right? Which is just where your tummy, where your confidence lies is what that is. And then you would go to your solar plexus and you would talk to your solar plexus. Okay. Why do I feel like I'm not good enough here? What is ready to come up for me that I need to know right? If you your body is like literally this map of information that will tell you I don't feel good enough because this thing. Right. I don't feel good enough because I'm really bored and I can't be creative anymore. You know, whatever it is, there's it'll come up for you if you just allow your awareness to just dive into there. And so I feel like when people have that moment, it kind of clicks something in them, okay, that makes so much sense. And then if you just allow yourself to release that belief, which we I do it through energy work, which is just you basically visualizing the energy of that belief coming out. That in itself is so incredibly powerful and everybody can do this. It's not like only I am. I can do this, you know, and you have to come to me to work with me. I'm telling you step by step on what we do because I don't do this for my clients. I walk them through it and have them do it to themselves. So I don't ever do any healing on people. I allow them to be guided in order to know how to do this on their own. So when they have another belief coming up, they can say, okay, I'm having this. We come out, let's, let's explore this, let's, let's figure this out. That's all I do is it's through energy work, through identifying the belief where it's located, talking to your body, releasing and letting it go.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:21:49] Yeah. That's perfect I love that. So you are in this dark place. Yeah. You ended up getting divorced, right?

    Valerie Inez: [00:21:56] I did.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:21:57] Yeah. Okay. And how did you slowly get out of the dark place?

    Valerie Inez: [00:22:02] So I did the CIA hemi sync tapes in 2020. Like during the pandemic, right when we were all in lockdown. Okay. And it really helped me. Kind of manage the traumatic event that we are going through. And so I ended up leaving my ex-husband in 2021, late 2021. And I basically started all over. It was I no longer want to be tied to somebody who I feel is not on my team. It was not a very supportive, nurturing, loving environment. So it was either I stay in this or I can just start all over and not have that right. So I chose to leave. And honestly, it was the most difficult thing I've ever done because it really was a testament to what I would allow in my life because we were together for 14 years, so it took me that long to decide to leave or not to decide to have the courage to leave. So when I left, I really just kept doing a lot of inner work, really addressing my limiting beliefs and really diving into my gifts. And so what happened to me is I ended up moving in with my parents. You know, I'm 40 years old, moved in with my parents because I had no job. I ended up leaving my corporate job long before I left the marriage, but I really just took time to dive into my gifts because with somebody with fortunately, 12 years of legal experience as a paralegal, you know, I've got a long history of experience. Nobody would hire me in the legal field.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:23:38] Wow.

    Valerie Inez: [00:23:39] All I like I was applying and applying it, rejection after rejection. And I was even applying for jobs that, you know, I didn't want.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:23:46] Rejection is God's protection. You were not supposed to be there. Clearly. Okay.

    Valerie Inez: [00:23:50] And I couldn't, could not. And I came from a fortune 500 company. And, you know, I had tons of experience and.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:23:58] Everybody needed paralegal. So, yeah, that is really interesting.

    Valerie Inez: [00:24:01] Nobody would hire me. And I just remember being like, okay, so if I can't go work for somebody, I'm just going to work on my gifts. I'm just going to explore trusting myself, explore my gifts. And me doing that led me to go on to a retreat in Costa Rica, where I met Lahsa, and meeting my soul family and having one of the psychic mediums there validate my gifts. Again. She was like, girl, you're you're doing it. You know what you're doing. I had visions there of what I was supposed to be doing, which was me helping people connect with their gifts. And at the time when I would see the visions, I was actually shown the mentorship program that I have now, I remember seeing it, and I was I remember thinking, wait, there's no way I could do that. Not me. I'm not good enough to do that. Like, I don't know what I'm doing. And I just remember being so floored with that vision and it took me like eight months to solidify that vision into physical reality, where I opened the mentorship program, and I remember I ended up like sharing my story on TikTok, and it like, blew up and I had like 100 applications, like overnight. It was just it was just so wild where I was just like, okay, well, here's my program. Like, if you want to come learn what I learned, here you go. And it was just it was so beautiful because if I would have gotten the job right, if I wasn't rejected, I probably wouldn't have spent so much time learning how to trust myself and learning how to own who I am and helping other people do the same. And I would have never been in the position where I am today, where I'm teaching. You know, I've worked with over 150 women at this point on how to connect with their intuition. And if you would have told me this two years ago, there was no way I would have believed you. No way. But I just kept following my intuition. I kept following the visions that I was having, the the intuitive pools that I was having, the connection that I had with my guides that were like, you need to go this way, and here you go. And I feel like we don't really realize that every step that we take is really leading us to the next step, in the next step. And it doesn't make sense until maybe you're at the end or not the end, because there really is no end. But if you just are a different point and you can kind of see a different perspective. So for me.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:26:10] Going, you keep going.

    Valerie Inez: [00:26:11] I want to just, I want.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:26:12] I want to say 52 weeks. I hope slash just keep going. You can just keep going. Just keep taking it one foot in front of it. Like I want to say like just keep going. Don't stop. Just keep going. And I'm so many people's messages are they're getting messages from other like people are like, I've never talked about this. And Trevor Turnbull, his message was he had a message obviously from somebody who is like and the message was just keep going. And I was like, that's my message. I get I've had messages from like my silent retreat, which was like my first time doing that. And by the fifth day I'm like, I'm seeing dead people. I'm just going. I was like, I've had that one before.

    Valerie Inez: [00:26:55] And yeah, it's just so amazing. If you just keep following those intuitive hits that your heart.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:27:01] Naturally.

    Valerie Inez: [00:27:02] And you trust that, okay, this is leading. I have no idea where I'm going, but I'm just going to trust it. Is it easy? No. Sometimes I you know how many times I cried in my bed like. Wishing I could just get a job. Like, can someone just hire me? But if again, it wouldn't have not worked out the way that it worked out. Now, if if it didn't like it just.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:27:22] Sometimes it's like, okay, God, I need you to be a little blatant. Maybe I'm not, but it's like, you know, and then I'm like, ducking, like I'm going to get hit by lightning or something like. Like, why? No, it's not that I love that. Do you have a message of hope you want to give? Although I feel like this is often a message of hope. But yeah.

    Valerie Inez: [00:27:40] I want to tell everybody to trust yourself, to trust and own who you are, because that will get you way farther than pretending to be somebody that you're not.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:27:50] Yeah. Oh, I love that. Yay! What's the hardest challenge you've gone through, and how did you get through it in your life?

    Valerie Inez: [00:27:57] The hardest challenge I've gone through. Going through a divorce.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:28:03] Yeah. That was.

    Valerie Inez: [00:28:04] Hard. It was. It was not fun whatsoever. And it was really. It helped me maintain boundaries of what I would and would not allow in my life. And I'm so I'm so happy to be on the other side because I am divorced now, you know, I'm done. And I feel this deep sense of peace within myself that was there all along that I just couldn't quite access it because I didn't have the environment that I needed. And now that I'm in a different environment and there's different people around me, I feel so much better. So I if I could do it again, I would definitely go through a divorce again. I would go through everything I've ever been through just to get to this point because it's so worth it.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:28:42] Yeah. Hindsight's great. It's like, oh yeah, I got I had my most growth through all the hardest things I was going through. Yeah. Oh, it's so great talking to you. We'll definitely go live, and we'll definitely do a healing in the Facebook and let everyone tap into that. I would.

    Valerie Inez: [00:28:59] Love that.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:29:00] Yay! Thank you so much for being a guest today. I'm 52 weeks I hope.

    Valerie Inez: [00:29:04] Thank you.

    Lauren Abrams: [00:29:06] I hope you enjoyed this week's episode and take with you Valerie's messages of self honesty, trust, trust in the process and grace such great messages to take into your week ahead. Be sure to tune in next week for another empowering episode, all about how you can live authentically, abundantly, and how to simply feel better. Be sure to share this episode with your friends and to rate and review the podcast so more people feel less alone in the overwhelm and to remember the pause. Answers emerge in the pause, and instead of adding to your to do list, how about a to do list? And next week also that episode we're exploring exactly how loneliness, friendship, and self-worth all tie in these days and how you can manifest exactly what you want in your life in a conscious way, and maybe even create community along the way. It's a great episode. You're going to love it. This is a show for burnt out over achieving type airs, unlike other shows for burnt out overachievers, only we take you off the hamster wheel by ditching your to do list for the to do list. Until next week, I'm Lauren Abrams. Thanks for listening.


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