Whatever We Focus On Grows

With coronavirus and an unsettling political climate, not knowing how long things will be like this is nerve wracking. The big question right now is how do we get through the next few days, weeks, or whatever it’s going to be.

And the answer’s the same as it always is: One second at a time. One minute one day, whatever the increment has to be to get through it.

Getting through the grey area, the unknown sucks — or at least it isn’t easy, so one thing I’ve learned to make it easier is to focus on the positive things.

Whatever I’m focusing on grows.

If I’m looking at all the negativity and everything that can go wrong, then that’s all I will see everywhere, and I’ll just spin.

Conversely, when I look for the good in people, in situations, in life, … then that grows exponentially.

For example:

“I’m so lucky I get to work and help people,” versus “Ugh, I don’t feel like working.”

“I get to pick up the kids,” versus, “I’m so sick of driving and drivers and I’m tired I don’t feel like picking up the kids.”

“I get to cook a delicious dinner for everyone.” vs. “I have to make another damn meal for these people.”

“I can’t believe I have another zoom,”vs “I get to meet and connect with some amazing people and be of service today and spread joy.”

You get the idea.

However I choose to look at something determines what rabbit hole I’m gonna go into.

Yesterday, I texted a friend a question and it went to a barrage of anti-Trump texts that wouldn’t stop (They started off funny, the memes at least. I reminded her that whatever we focus on grows.


She kept going. I couldn’t engage because I’m just so done. It’s over (hopefully) Tuesday, and I’m just done.

I interviewed a spiritual leader for my podcast last week who went through a similar situation and then started looking at her favorite photos until she felt better. She began with her dog playing and kept going. Again, whatever we focus on grows (I actually said that to her which is my mantra since then.)

I’ve also decided I’m limiting my news intake for a few days. I mean, no one knows what’s going to happen, I don’t care what end of the spectrum you’re on.

Just vote. Just get out there and f-ing vote.

I’m interviewing a healer on Tuesday, Election Day, for the podcast (thank you Universe for that synchronicity) and I’ll hole up here and breathe one breath at a time and text friends and this household will steer clear of me, I’m sure!

We all have to get through this. As a nation. As a community. As individuals.

It is one breath at a time. And it’ll all work out. It’s a pivot. A shift we are all going through and those are never comfortable, but we’ll all get through this. We have the tools.

Look at something you like or love. Then look at something else that fills you up. And keep going. Think of something or someone that fills you up and makes you happy. Hold on to that. And breathe.

It’s funny my podcast on hope launches on Wednesday — right after Election Day. It keeps getting pushed and pushed and now launches Weds — I guess that’s when it’s most needed.

Everything happens on the Universe’s timing. Tuesday’s results included. We needed to see our country go through all of this mess in order to get the shift we really needed. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Some people could not or would not accept certain things unless they saw these extremes (climate change, racism, etc).

So breathe, and focus on the good, and be with what unites us all. Nature, joy, the goodness that resides in all of us. And love.

We’ve got this. Together we’ve all got this.

What we focus on grows, so we get to grow some good today.


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